Sunday, November 07, 2004

I had a very nice weekend at home in GR spending time with my rents before they leave for India this Thursday. My mom made a wonderful mini-Thanksgiving dinner (complete with Roast Beast!) in my honor since we won't be spending the holiday together this year. The food was excellent and I'm thrilled to have at least 3 days' worth of cheesy potatoes and green bean casserole in my Ann Arbor fridge now. After dinner, we caught a late showing of The Incredibles which was, of course, incredible. I am a hardcore Pixar loyalist and was NOT disappointed. I highly recommend it :)

In other news, I drank WAY too much coffee, tea, and Diet Coke this weekend. I must make a point to imbibe fewer teeth-staining substances as my dental school interviews are coming up soon (first one is on November 19 -- yikes!). I have a lot of preparing to do and in my book, having a nice set of pearly whites is just as important as acquainting myself with current issues in dentistry. Here's hoping a nice, white set will be to my advantage.

Finally, a little humor from the geniuses at Slate. If you've been considering life as an ex-pat like I have, here are a few helpful hints for determining whether or not da Great Up North, eh is right for you.

That's it for tonight. Sweet dreams and enjoy this quality quote from my Mom taken from a conversation about healthy eating:

"You know, when I first came to this country, I thought Kit-Kats were sent from heaven. I'm serious. I would eat the whole box and hide the wrappers under the bed."



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