Saturday, November 05, 2005

Enamel is 90% calcium hydroxyapatite

So I have a very large module exam on Monday morning at 8am that covers 38 hour-long lectures' worth of biochemistry and a handful of histology lectures for which I've been studying all day. Tomorrow is basically a whole lot more of the same but for now, I'm listening to some Ravi Shankar, lighting some candles, and officially switching my brain off for the night. I thought I'd write down a few noteworthy quotes from this week in lieu of an interesting post that doesn't involve more of my whining about school:

Quotes of the week (exchanges of the week would probably be more appropriate...and it should be quotations anyway, not quotes, but those just don't roll off the tongue, ya know?)

Trevor: So I think I'm going to have to miss a lot of the head and neck dissection in gross anatomy for my sister's wedding in June.
Josh: Oh. Well, maybe you can try to get ahead before you leave.
Trevor: What, and take it on the plane?

Sara: I hate oranges. They smell and taste disgusting.
Trevor: How can you be from Florida and hate oranges?
Me: Oranges are, like, one of the quintessential Florida things. Do you hate peninsulas too because I hate to break it to you but...
Trevor: Yeah, it's really hard to cook at Sara's house, too. You always burn your hands because she doesn't believe in panhandles.

Me: Yeah, I'm just studying. I have a 40-lecture exam on Monday.
Tanya: God. I hate your program for you.

Me: Oh no, Mom, you sound awful.
Mom: I'm very sick.
Me: Oh, it must have been one of the trick-or-treaters who gave it to you. You know how kids are always carrying around things.
Mom: No, I think I have the bird flu.
Me: Oh, really? Well, it was nice knowing you then. Hey, before you kick the bucket can you make some Indian food and freeze it for me?

Have a wonderful night.



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