Wednesday, March 15, 2006

There are a few things that I've accepted I'll just never be: an astronaut, for example, or 5'7''. But never in my wildest dreams did I think I wouldn't be...graceful, even coordinated. Me, who took dance, ice skating, and gymnastics lessons growing up? Me who cheered for 6 years in middle and high school? Impossible! But I've just recently realized that I am quite possibly the biggest klutz in the world. What I've always attributed to an inner ear problem, icy sidewalks, or poorly designed high heels turns out to simply be my utter lack of coordination. I usually have a significant fall once a week, I run into things daily, I drop everything, and I can barely keep my balance putting my shoes on. I trip and or stumble constantly and lets just say that at this point, if I don't drop at least 2 (usually sharp) instruments on the ground every day that I'm working in the lab, I'm shocked.

*sigh* I'm not really devastated or anything; sure, I've always considered myself a picture of grace and realizing otherwise is weird. But what really struck me is the fact that I'm apparently the last one to notice my klutzy inclinations. When I finally asked Josh (with an expression of wide-eyed shock) whether or not he thought I was a klutz he sheepishly replied "well, you do fall a lot, Son." He's known all along! I guess I'll just have to roll with it...and hope for my patients' sake that my hands become more coordinated than the rest of my body!

In related news, I filled my first cavity ever on a patient yesterday in the clinic! I was assisting a fouth-year student and often times they let us do some small procedure on their patients. Usually it's negligible and technique-insensitive so that we can't screw it up too badly as we're shaking and sweating bullets. But yesterday I did my first restoration and I must say it turned out beautifully (thanks to some great polishing on Jason-the-D4's part!). I can't believe I'll be seeing my first patients for simple cleanings this spring! Speaking of which, I need a few friends with good oral health to be my first patients for cleanings. Any volunteers? Maybe I shouldn't ask in the same post in which I painstakingly describe my clumsiness. Muhuwahahaha!

I should run and study. But only after I look up plane ticket prices to London for the end of April (details later!) and fill out my bracket. Go Gonzo!



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