Thursday, April 27, 2006

My kind of Razz Matazz

I'm back from my whirl-Windy City trip and sitting in my apartment in the Deuce. I'm here just for the day and without schoolwork or Josh to distract me (the latter in a good way!), the plan is to do some major spring cleaning today. The study notes from my last final are all still sitting on my dining room table and the Easter baskets from Josh's parents are still unpacked and strewing clumps of green plastic grass everywhere. Tomorrow morning I'm catching an early flight to Boston and will have lunch in the city with my friend Tony before heading over to Worcester for my sister's big 25th birthday bash. The theme for the party (of course there's a theme--she's a Palit!) is "Rubik's Cube" and each guest must come wearing solid-colored-but-mismatched articles of clothing. Whomever can swap and collect the most clothing of one color by the end of the night wins a prize. Certainly a fun idea even though I'm not sure how I feel about swapping clothes with complete strangers in my case. We'll see ;)

At any rate, my mini trip to Chicago was great. We shopped, visited a few classics like The Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium, and dropped by a few places new to us like Navy Pier and The Cheesecake Factory. We just missed the Pompeii and King Tut exhibits at Field by a month but "Evolving Planet" was pretty sweet and Josh and I got embarassingly excited at the immense Cambrian fossil collection (Solomon, my nightmare became a reality in many of those exhibits!). We saw a huge Komodo dragon at Shedd and although Komodo's are the only existing natural predators of humans (meaning they intentionally hunt humans), it didn't seem too terrifying with its stubby legs and lazily sunning itself on a rock. Hmph. That's not to say I'd ever want to come face-to-face with one in the wild, though...*shudder*

Below are a few aquarium, museum, and skyline pics. Also included are pictures from our night out after our last final, first to Goodnight Gracie's for a date auction to benefit breast cancer research and then on to Delt Sig and Skeeps. Three cheers for winter semester being behind us! Expect some great pics when I get back from Boston and although a day early,

Happy Birthday, Tanya!



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