Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Two belated birthday wishes!

Wow. In a very uncharacteristically-Sonya move, I completely forgot my good college buddy Carrie's birthday which passed a week ago on October 25th. I haven't even humbly called her yet but I thought I'd post here first since I'm thinking of her now. Carrie and I met in the dorms my sophomore year of college and spent three great years together at the U. She watched my dormroom TV during the 9/11 coverage, sang "The Monster Mash" to me on Halloween at 5 am in the undergrad library when we were trying to stay awake to study for our Shakespeare final, and has put up with me on numerous trips from Fort Myers, to NYC, to the Bahamas. She's now living it up in The Windy City and even though we haven't spoken in a while (although she remembered my birthday and called!), I think about and miss her a lot.

Happy belated birthday, Harolyn!

In other belated-birthday news, last week slipped by without my realizing that my little weblog turned 3! As if keeping an online journal isn't self-important enough, I now celebrate its birthday from the third person. Weird.



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