Monday, January 01, 2007

In the year two thoooooousaaaaannnnd....(seven)....

2006 has been a busy year for me. I finished my first year of dental school, got a kicky new car, was awarded a small research grant, had a golden birthday, got a great apartment with a great roommate, and wrapped up my most challenging semester yet. I'm looking forward to another great year with another set of milestones (national boards! turning 25! reaching the dental school half-way point!) and a few resolutions.

In 2007, I resolve to:

1.) Get exercising again. I got a head start on this resolution by purchasing a two-week membership to my old gym back home while I was in town for the holidays. I worked out almost every day of break and felt great. I'm looking forward to having more time to break a sweat this year.

2.) Make the time to be creative. My artistic right brain lobe is getting a little pudgy around the middle what with all this science and technical training in dentistry. My sewing machine has somehow been relocated to Grand Rapids and my knitting needles are stalled mid-purl one foot into a scarf I started in October. I desperately miss writing, creating, and crafting in my life and even though I do consider my weblog an outlet for creative brilliance (brilliance, I tell you!), I'd like to have fun and challenge myself in a different form as well. I'm thinking about getting better at sewing and then quilting eventually (I'm not sure why I'm writing this seeing as how it provides my sister with virtually endless "Sonya is a grandma" fodder).

3.) Give myself a break. I make this resolution every year and I think it's something upon which I can always improve. I'm way too hard on myself in too many ways which often has the nasty by-product of self-induced stress, worry, and pressure. I'd like to get better at appreciating where I'm at, who I'm with, and what I'm doing at any given moment instead of what I did or might do wrong. For example, it's okay that I just ate a quarter of a bag of chocolate turtle Chex Mix because I'm truly enjoying my last night of vacation. Right? ;)



p.s. ~ does any one else always mix up the New Year song Auld Lang Syne with the patriotic favorite You're a Grand Ol' Flag? I mean, I certainly don't know the lyrics to the former but I always want to shout out "keep yer eye on the grand ol' flag!" at the end.


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