Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Since the beginning of fall 2004, I've watched the beautiful new Biomedical Research Building being built on a main corner between my apartment and the dental school. Lately, as the building approaches its completion, Josh and I have become obsessed with the bizarre, Pringle-shaped structure in front. It does not seem to be connected to the Research Building behind it yet it is majestically illuminated at night and has a weird door on the side. For the longest time, we thought it might be some sort of spaceship landing pad or the only place in the world where pure, unadulterated stem cell research was going on. I just don't know what to think anymore. Trevor thought it would be a hilarious prank to paint the entire structure like a Pringles can. Even though that would be comical, I just want to solve the mystery. Or do I?


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