Wednesday, March 01, 2006

National Pig Day

Happy National Pig Day!

Apparently, March 1st marks the official day of pig appreciation and because they are such clever, intelligent, and clean animals, I thought I'd honor it this year. I've recently become fascinated with the idea of having a pig as a pet once I get my own digs--I've read numerous times that they are just a treat to have around because of their personalities, loyalty, and intelligence. I'd name my pig Gordon, Gordie for short :)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know we had about a thousand ridiculous nicknames throughout middle school and high school - when did we call ourselves Gordie and Howie? I think it was in middle school and we did some project in Mrs. Baker's class that required us to draw hot air balloons. I'm pretty sure we put those names on it for some reason, obviously thinking we were hilarious. Or I could be way off and just making all that up. Regardless of whether or not that really happened, we were some pretty funny 12 year olds.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Yay, I'm so glad your comments are back!

Have you seen the movie "Gordy"? It's a very annoying kid's flick, but the star is a pig named Gordy. There is lots of country music involved (in my defense, the movie was a gift - I would never willfully purchase a movie featuring bad music), but Isaac loves the movie so I've had to sit through it and hear it in the background over and over again.

2:09 PM  

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