Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday Fiver!

I love these nutty questions! :)

1. Do you play cards?
Yes and no. Yes when my daddy takes me to the casino and lets me play blackjack with his money. No when my buddies all want to play euchre for hours on end and get too competitive about it.

2. Do you have any rings on your hands?
Well. This might be a loaded question. I wear a chunky silver ring from Aldo on my left middle finger. I'm not a fan of gold jewelry and I don't care very much for precious stone rings. I'd never, ever turn this baby down though. *wink

3. Would you describe yourself as innocent?
Absolutely. Someone made a joke the other day about knocking my halo off.

4. What do you think of chivalry?
That it's a palatable guise for systemic sexism. Do I get bonus points for waxing philosophical in the Friday Fiver?

5. Have you seen The Thomas Crown Affair?
Love it. Pierce Brosnan is so fabulous. I haven't seen the Faye Dunaway version from 1968 but I've heard it's even better than the new version. I don't know why but I'm kind of a sucker for heist movies starring ridiculously handsome men.



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