Belated Friday Fiver
Thanks to Katie for her Friday Fiver answers last week! This week's questions are (drumroll, please!)...
Favorite phrase when you have:
1. Eaten food that tasted bad
Borrowed from Josh's sister Jamie after trying natto, a Japanese grain of some sort: "Oh my God. That tasted, like, poisonous...try it!"
2. Stubbed your toe
I'm sure I just squeeze one word out in this scenario, not a phrase, and it's probably not quite fit to print.
3. Become frustrated
While having difficulty drilling a class II prep on a molar last week: "Seriously, I thought this posable thumb was supposed to be good for something."
4. Broken something
Yelling to the other room: "Joooooooosssssshhhh?"
5. Been cut off by another driver
"Hey! Where's the fire, mister?"
I just love these things! The rest of you are slackers for not doing it!
1. "I'd rather eat gravel."
2. "Shit, not the same toe AGAIN!"
3. "Grrraahhhh!!"
4. "Darling, we need to buy more dishes!"
5. "I have children in here asshole!"
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