Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday Fiver fun!

Whoa...Friday Fiver two weeks in a row? You lucky dogs, you!

1. Where did you grow up?
I was born in Muskegon, Michigan and grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Even though I have no particular interest in returning to the west side of the state in the future, I will miss the beautiful beaches.

2. Have you ever been to Indiana?
My family almost moved to Indiana when I was in middle school and I drive through Gary every time I go to Chicago. Other than that, Indiana's not really on my list of must-visit states.

3. Describe yourself at age 18:
College frosh at U of M. Idealistic, hard working, kinda confused (School of Engineering...what was I thinking?!), and homesick.

4. How do you deal with pain?
physical pain: ice, heating pad, complaining
emotional pain: cry, cry, cry, chocolate

5. When is the last time you screwed up?
During one of our softball games on Wednesday night, I lost count of how many strikes I had when I was at bat. After my third strike, I got right back in my batting stance holding the bat high over my head and ready to knock 'er outta the park. Everybody laughed at me and one of my teammates had to come get me off of the plate. Screw up or just extreme tenacity? You be the judge ;)

Happy long weekend!



Blogger Katie said...

1. I grew up here in Montello, WI - then I moved around a bit, and now here I am, back where I started from. It's rural, poor and boring, but you can't beat it for scenic beauty!

2. Yes - besides driving through on my way to South Carolina several times (it's a VERY LONG STATE), I went to Indianapolis once when Masud was on a business trip. I really liked the city, actually, and wouldn't mind living there!

3. At age 18, I was a sophomore in college at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. I still hadn't realized that I was not a very good artist, so I was studying art. I seem to remember spending a great deal of time in an altered state of mind...

4. I complain. A lot. Then I have cookies.

5. I forgot to tell the Sheriff that our grant funds had come through, and he's been waiting for three weeks to start a program that was supposed to have begun last month. Oops.

11:31 PM  

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