Sunday, May 14, 2006

40 days and 40 nights

It has been raining non-stop since last Tuesday night. Better still, the weather forecast calls for the next 10 days to be rainstorms, severe thunderstorms, and rainshowers. At least we get a little variety, right? I'm going out of my gourd because there's nothing worse than not being able to wear flip-flops in mid-May. Of course there are far worse things but I'm the sheriff 'round these parts and what I say goes. Hmph.

At any rate, strange things have been afoot in my life lately. Without blogging the bizarre details, I've apparently become the most forgetful/scatter brained person in the world when it comes to misplacing things, one of my classmates contracted a "probable" case of the mumps, and I'm cleaning my sister's teeth tomorrow. All that and dental school itself just keeps getting weirder and weirder. The other day in our class on occlusion--the meticulous study of jaw movements and bite complexities--we had to take a quiz that involved eating standardized snacks of varying texture/size and record how many times we chewed, how long our masticatory period was, and what our level of jaw pain was after chewing. Seriously, I earned points for eating one Swedish fish for 12 seconds and then 2 at a time and recording my observations. Nutty but I'd take that any day over the head and neck anatomy quiz I had this morning at 8...*sigh*

In other news, I'm sick as a dog today. I'm running a temperature, have completely lost my appetite, and have a pretty wicked sore throat. In all honesty, I don't care if I have the Plague as long as I don't get the mumps--my classmate will most likely be out of commission for at least 10 eternity during the accelerated spring term. Then again, that whole Plague thing was pretty awful and highly infectious. Here's hoping for a mild case of the flu, I guess. Either way, I feel pretty crummy and even though I had originally planned to start studying for next week's exams tonight, I forsee a few cups of hot tea and a lot of The DaVinci Code in the near future instead. I have to finish that bloody book before Friday's movie premiere to justify putting myself through this literary torture.

cough, groan, cough.



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