Saturday, September 16, 2006

It's been a hard day's night

This past week made me want to curl up into a ball in my bed and not get out until Saturday morning. I got a small taste of what the rest of this semester is going to be like: all the coursework from before, triple the lab work, and seeing patients twice a week to boot. This week I saw a patient, did a local anesthesia injection refresher course with Holly, had a lot of lab work to catch up on, and had 2 exams. Tuesday night I was at school for 15 hours and Wednesday night I felt so beat up that Josh, Katrina, Holly and myself had ice cream (and Coldstone at that!) for dinner. I felt sick for two days afterward.

Thankfully, my friends and Josh are all on the same page as me and we get our retail therapy and Lord of the Rings fixes together outside of school when they're needed most. Yesterday a few of us got pedicures as a reward for the rough week and even though my pedicurist zoned out for 4 minutes and rubbed one spot of my right foot raw with abrasive moisturizer, it felt good to be pampered and the ultra hot pink color on my toenails could light up a room. I actually considered posting a picture but that's weird.

A few noteworthy items before I get cracking on the renal system this beautiful Saturday morning:

- 2 great movies I've seen recently are An Inconvenient Truth and The Illusionist. The former made me want to change my life (Josh and I are calling our energy company to see if we can switch to green power among other things) and the latter is based on a short story by Steven Millhauser, an author I enjoy very much. I highly recommend both.

- You may not know it but today is the "100 Days 'Til Christmas" mark. We decided that we needed a holiday to celebrate before Halloween and counted one day. We're heading over to Rick's house this afternoon to watch the UM-Notre Dame game and Holly, Katrina, and I plan to celebrate right. Let's just say that I'm pulling my mini tree out of the storage unit.

- I'm a little sick right now which is timely because we just finished learning about the pathology of the respiratory system. It's really disturbing knowing which bacteria is in my body, how it's replicating, and why I'm having certain symptoms. Sometimes I feel like medicinal ignorance is bliss.

- The Royal Shakespeare Company is doing a residency at U of M for 2 weeks at the end of October and since I missed them last time, I shelled out a considerable amount of dough to treat my parents and Josh to a performance of Julius Caesar in early November. I'm so excited I could pee my pants and I brought my 4 pound Shakespeare Anthology back to Ann Arbor so I can re-read the play a few times before the show.

- Halloween is just around the corner and I'm about to get started with some decorating (I've already refreshed my Halloween sock collection). Rest assured that I've got a trip to the apple orchard/corn maze/hay ride planned and will hopefully be able to have a pumpkin carving contest and not-so-scary scary movie night with my buddies (I'm talking Ernst Scared Stupid, none of this Nightmare on Elm Street stuff).



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