Saturday, January 13, 2007

1. When is your birthday?
September 24th. I was born in 1982 so this past birthday was my golden one.

2. How old will you be?
I can't believe I'll be hittin' the quarter-century mark this year. Wah!

3. Do you prefer to throw a party or attend a party?
My family has a strong history of party a-throwin'. My parents are famous (infamous?) within the Grand Rapids Indian community for hosting elaborate, themed parties for which my sister and I were given rented costumes and coat hanging duties. We've even become party throwers in our own right and my parents were nearly moved to tears when I hosted a great cocktail party my junior year of college. It was then, not on my college graduation day or upon my acceptance to dental school, that my Dad exclaimed that his baby was "all grown up."

4. Presents: take'em or leave'em?
I know I should right "leave 'em" but are you kidding me? I love getting birthday presents and am the easiest person in the world to shop for. Both my sister and Katrina, who respectively got me an Oscar Mayer Weinermobile t-shirt and a book entitled The Gilded Tongue: Overly Eloquent Words for Everyday Things , hit the nail on the head.

5. Best birthday so far?
I had great birthday parties every year growing up until I turned 17. I'm talking Chuck E. Cheese, the bowling alley, sleepovers, and capture-the-flag. It's hard to pick a best birthday because I've had so many good ones.



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