Saturday, November 29, 2003

Ahhh, Thanksgiving. The only holiday where it is acceptable to unbutton your pants at the dinner table.

I'm writing from home right now over Thanksgiving "break," which has hardly been a break for me: I've already written my 8 page Shakespeare paper, am working on my CAP set for Tuesday, and will finish a novel by tomorrow night in order to write another 8 page paper for Wednesday :( Additionally, the task of putting up the Christmas tree has lovingly been handed down to me these past few years, so I can look forward to that EARLY tomorrow morning.

Right now, I'm trying to finish up some work and will then head up to Friday's to see of my high school friends, Erin and David. That should be a nice break from all of my work lately. I apologize for the downer post, it's just tiring going to school non-stop for a year and a half straight...reeeehhhh (for those of you who don't recognize that sound, call me and ask me...I'll demo it for you). Later gators.


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