Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Gobble, gobble, gobble! It's almost that time...and although I won't be celebrating with a turkey, I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving! Speaking of Thanksgiving, I must commend my roomates AJ, Sheila, and myself for the pre-Thanksgiving feast we made last night. We had sooo much food, it was a lot of fun to make, and everything turned out better than I could have hoped. I couldn't even think about breakfast this morning because I was still so stuffed when I woke up! We ate: mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, salad, baked macaroni and cheese, rolls, corn, green bean casserole, cornbread, bean dip and tortilla chips (hey, we're a multi-culturally aware group!), brownies, pumpkin pie, and I'm probably forgetting something. Mmmmm...it was delicious and a very good time with friends :)

On a somewhat related note, I'm finding it very, very difficult to get geared up for the end of this semester. Granted last night was a planned and special night off from doing homework, but I literally have done ZERO work since last week Thursday, which is very unlike me. I just feel so lazy all the time these days...hell, I should be writing my Shakespeare paper right now! *sigh* I'm hoping this upcoming winter break and a 13-credit winter semester will be the relaxing end to my undergrad career that I need. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying my senior year more than any other year at UM so far and I really don't want it to end, I just think I'm catching that senioritis bug that's going around!

Finally, I'll have my phone back tomorrow afternoon once I'm back in GR. This past week and a half has been Stone Age-esque without my phone...I was actually considering using smoke signals or morse code to communicate! (okay, not really...but I cracked myself up when I came up with those ones). Call me over break to say hi :)

Okay...now it's time to discuss the use of disguise both literally and figuratively in "Twelfth Night" and "As You Like It", both plays of Shakespeare's that I highly recommend. Have a wonderful afternoon!


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