Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Once a Wolverine...

Always a Wolverine!

Before I apologize for my weblog slackness or expand on how busy my life has been lately, let me just note that both Josh and I have been accepted to the U of M Entering Class of 2005 for dental school! Yeeeeeeeeee Haw! We are both THRILLED and couldn't have asked for anything more. U of M is one of the top schools in the country, Ann Arbor rocks my world, we'll be able to lean on each other during the 4 immensely grueling years, and as an added bonus, I've saved quite a bit of money by finding out way early in the process about my acceptance. I feel like we've both worked very hard for this. It sure feels good :)

*sigh* That said, life HAS been crazy busy for me as of late. I'm still working those two mini jobs in addition to my full time one and interviews, doctor's appointments, and other obligations have sent me running around this town (and others!) every morning and evening. My Daddy is back from India so I'm heading back to GR to hang out with him this weekend. The purpose of my trip is three-fold, however, and I'm hoping to run a few pre-India errands, including getting all of the necessary immunizations, and take my doggy Raja to the vet. He has a suspicious tissue growth on his head and we're hoping and praying it's nothing serious. *tear. I'll keep you updated.

In more upbeat news, I'm getting my new pink, sparkly retainer tomorrow from Stephanie's Mom's office! For those of you who don't know, I decided to get a retainer to correct some minor teeth movement of mine. I went for my impressions last week and had a blast with Mrs. Schmidt. My appointment is way early tomorrow morning, but I'm excited to see her again and get my new, hip, orthodontic appliance!

Finally, to really hit it home about how hectic life has been lately, my Dad pointed out that for 4 hours last Saturday, all 4 of us (my parents, my sis, and myself) were in different countries. Whew! He joked that we should have sent Raja to Canada just for the novelty of it. We are truly a jet-setting fam.

Okay, gotta hit the hay. Expect the pace of my life to pick up even *more* in the weeks to come (if that's even possible)!

Sweet dreams tonight.



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