Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I'm feeling ridiculously exhausted today, I'm not sure why. I thought I'd scribble down (neatly in list form) some quick thoughts before I call it an early night:

1.) I found a five dollar bill on the floor at the gym yesterday and stared at it for 3 full minutes debating whether or not to pocket it. It was approximately 4 feet from the lockers and easily could have fallen out of one so I considered placing it on top of the lockers for the owner to find. I then figured that it most likely wouldn't get back to the original owner and I'd probably be laughed at if I turned it in to the Lost & Found. Ultimately, I pocketed it because it just made sense and because I really like fivers. I felt guilty when I used it to buy a bag of trailmix today however.

2.) I saw a hilarious bumper sticker this morning fashioned to look like a campaign sticker that read "Republicans for Voldemort." Ha!

3.) My mom is coming back to the States next Monday, 5/2. I'm taking an extended weekend at home to help my dad be the welcome wagon and to frantically clean the house before she gets back. I bought a bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs for her (she loves em) right before Easter and hid it from myself in my desk drawer so that I could save it for her. I'm glad I can break into that this weekend. Oh the sacrifices we make for those we love.

4.) I signed up to take a spring fitness class at the CCRB called "Butts & Guts." Embarassing and slightly clever. Hopefully it'll get the job done.

5.) Speaking of job, I'm sick of working. When's the next national holiday?

6.) My plant has finally bitten the dust. After months of careful attention and mornings spent adjusting my blinds to give it just the right lighting scheme, it simply could not recover from the first night I drove it home when the wind chill was -10 degrees. I'll chalk this one up to illness or lack of robustness rather than my black thumb (Josh, when I killed the bamboo he gave me as a present just five months after my birthday: "Isn't bamboo supposed to last, like, centuries?").

7.) Go Pistons.

That is all. Nanoo Nanoo. Goodnight.



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