Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Oy. Long time no blog. And the situation is only going to get worse--our cable and internet were mistakenly cut off a week and a half ago and since I was going to cancel them anyway at the end of June, I'm sans blogger access from my pad for the rest of the summer. My posts may be few and far between for the next two and a half months and I can't make any promises about pictures. *sigh* Try not to get too broken up about it.

At any rate, I've certainly been a busy little bee lately and have been working two jobs these past few weeks since I consider intently watching every Pistons playoffs game a job unto itself. Way to go 'Stons for our awesome Eastern Conference win last night against Miami. That was a close one with a 74-74 tie with only 4 minutes to go in Game 7. Whew! I'm thrilled we pulled it out. Finals, here we come! :)

Another reason to be happy: Josh and I joined a last-minute, whirlwind trip to Chicago with my parents this past weekend and got to spend oodles of time (and probably too much money) at Ikea just outside of the city. I got some great cheap decorations for the apartment and my bedroom and will be powerdrill-weilding all weekend long. The more little projects I take on, the more small home improvement ideas come to mind. Granted it's a home-on-loan, but a little modification never hurt anybody, right? :)

Finally, I need some encouragement to not get lazy on the job now that summer is here and my plans for the fall are finalized. Believe me, it's no easy task dragging your sleep-deprived, underpaid carcass into work every day when there are literally only 8 weeks to go and no reason for promotion. Unfortunately, my European fantasy is carrying a pretty hefty price tag this summer and after careful consideration (and quite a bit of sticker shock after looking up airfares to Paris, Zurich, Rome, and Amsterdam), Josh and I have decided that another cruise might be in order. For less than the price of a plane ticket to Europe, we can take a 7-day, all inclusive tropical trip we won't feel guilty about. We'd love some company so if you're remotely interested and have some time between August 1 and 20, let me know! (yes, Mom & Dad, that includes you).

Well, that's enough for an update for the time being. It's supposed to get up to 90 degrees in Ann Arbor today! I think I'll get some sushi for lunch to cool down. I heart summer.



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