Sunday, October 23, 2005

Today has been quite a crummy day. I couldn't find anything I need for my Halloween costume on my shopping-study break, I had to study fatty acid metabolism for hours, my neighbors are idiots, my pumpkin spice latte spilled all over my lecture notes, and even my fortune cookie after dinner reprimanded me harshly saying that only I could change my own life and that no one else could do it for me. Waaaaaaah! I hope tomorrow is a little better.

The good news is that this week isn't looking too bad (only 3 tests and 1 practical!). My, how relative school has become. Josh overheard some undergrads yesterday complaining in disbelief about having "2 exams every week for the rest of the semester." I definitely would have complained about that 2 years ago too but now 2 exams a week seems like a flippin' vacation. *sigh*

At any rate, here's a conundrum with which I'll leave you. In the parking lot of one of the public pools here is an enormous pile of...SNOW! I actually saw it in that same parking lot 3-4 weeks ago as I was driving past and thought it must be salt or something but today I actually got out of the car and stuck my foot in it. All my 23 years of Michigan experience told me that it is indeed an enormous pile of snow sitting in some rando parking lot in the middle of Ann Arbor. How did it get there? Why? And why in tarnations hasn't it melted? It's been above 50 every day and hasn't snowed for the last 6 months! If you have the answer, please please email me. Josh and I are feeling extremely disconcerted and uncomfortable by not being able to figure it out. Frankly, it's driving us mad.



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