Thursday, March 30, 2006

Which would you like first?

Bad news: I spent 14 hours in the Dental School today and then came home to never-ending cardiovascular module studying. I'm exhausted.
Good news: We have two IMS exams this week, the second of which is Friday morning. That means that I don't have to study aaaaaallll weekend long for a Monday morning exam!

Bad news: It's finals time again. I haven't done an official count yet but I think we have 10 finals, 1 quiz, and 3 practicals to go in the 3 weeks before we're off for 9 days of vacation.
Good news: 9 days of vacation!

Bad news: The Michigan Daily published an article today debunking the popular "myth" that a block "M" flag is one of only two flags on the moon, the other being the American flag. Rumor has it that all of the Apollo 11 astronauts were U of M alumni. I don't think saying I was devastated would be an overstatement; I've been boasting this fact for 6 years now and my buddy Holly (also a U of M alum) said that she'd even told some "prominent" people about this apparently false claim (I'm not sure what that means but it doesn't sound good for her reputation!)
Good news: I'm simply choosing to ignore that article. Go Blue!

Bad news: I really, really want to run the Ann Arbor-Dexter 5K this June with people from my class but this blasted (and quite painful, actually) knee issue of mine just won't quit. I can't even run on it gingerly these days and I certainly wouldn't be ready by June.
Good news: Shveta, Sara and I are doing a hip-hop dance with women of the medical school for some show that the med students put on every semester. They encourage dancers from all graduate programs to join and we had our first practice this past Monday night. Sara's med student roommate is choreographing it and it's pretty cute; Shveta and I practiced in our living room Monday night after learning the first few 8-counts. (the show's in May, I'll keep the ol' blog posted!)

Bad news: I've been having a ridiculously difficult time sleeping this week and I think it's just my school anxiety. I woke up 5 times last night (between 1:40 am and 6:40 am) and actually started getting dressed in a panic 2 of those times. I'm dragging today.
Good news: We don't have lecture until 11 tomorrow (11!) and even though I'm waking up at 7:45 to study, I can't wait to sleep in. And make muffins :)




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