Sunday, August 27, 2006

Another restful weekend is coming to a close and my shirt is ironed and my bag is packed for school tomorrow. In one week's time, I will have neither done the night before and will consistently forget to pack my lunch, forget to wear scrubs on a clinic day, and/or leave my phone at home. Oh well :)

I had a nice weekend that involved The Meltdown, the lamely titled annual Dental School kick off party (see archived post from 8/28/05 in which I apparently also referred to The Meltdown as "lamely titled"...ha!), grilling, shopping with Katrina and Shveta, a few down-right bad rounds of Scattergories, and a teensy bit of studying the respiratory system. My parents and sis also visited Ann Arbor Friday night to see my new digs and to treat Josh and I to dinner at the Prickly Pear so it was great to see them. Of course before my sister took the time to appreciate my new couch, professional paint job, or decorating prowess she promptly took to the message board to illustrate her new favorite nickname for me: tooth sleuth (imagine a smiling cartoon molar with spectacles, a magnifying glass, and a Sherlock Holmes-esque flannel deerstalker hat). Naturally.

I just glanced at the clock and realized I'm running late for my self-imposed bedtime. I had a longer post in mind but I know that I'll be cursing myself when my alarm goes off at 6:30 tomorrow morning if I don't start the ol' face-washing-tooth-brushing-flossing routine now. I'll sign off with the exchange of the weekend:

Tanya: How can they just decide that Pluto's not a planet anymore?
Me: Well, I guess they changed the criteria of what defines a planet. I heard it has a lot to do with Pluto's orbit crossing over Neptune's at certain times.
Mom: But let me ask you this: was it hurting anybody?

My Mom: talented songstress, cook extraordinnaire, and celestial empath.

Have a great week!



Blogger Solomon said...

"bad rounds of scattergories"??? apparently we need to put together some of those old-school match-ups again...remember? where my team always dominated and you & josh always tried to win by putting the same word in front of all the answers to match up with that round's letter? you may not remember, but i definitely do...i hope the skills have improved if we all ever play again (and yes, that is trash talking)! <:><

3:57 AM  

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