Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Summer days, drifting away...

But oh, all those summer nights!

Well, school officially started today and although it was nice to see everyone after a 7 week break, there's not much new to report. It feels weird to not be the terrified, confused newbies in the school anymore and I completely sympathized with the new D1 students staring at us from across the hall in their uncomfortable suits and shoes and wondering 1.) whether or not they'll ever learn all of their classmates' names and 2.) if they'll be able to swing dental school. Ah, how far I've come in a year.

On that note, I thought it would be a nice send-off to summer if I finally posted some pics from the last few weekends. Despite the stress of a job and a huge moving project this summer I got to spent a lot of quality time with wonderful people. Three cheers to the best season of the year:

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!


p.s. - I re-wrote that last part about three cheers just so I could use huzzah which I think is hil-A-rious.


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