Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Life is a highway

And I've been on cruise control since the start of the semester. I honestly don't know what to do with myself with all of this free time of late. I go to school every day, work out, make dinner, read, have fun during the week - frankly it's rather disconcerting. I'm trying very hard to enjoy the weekends of no homework and watching episode after episode of Arrested Development but I must say that it's gettin plain ol' suspicious. I keep checking in with my classmates to make sure that, apart from studying for boards, there isn't anything that I should or could be doing but they just affirm my idleness. Oh well, I'm not going looking for trouble from this point on, let's just say that.

I had a nice long weekend thanks to the MLK Jr. holiday yesterday. Once again I vowed to attend one of the many lectures given in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for the University's diversity symposium but ended up leaving all of my "must-do" to-dos until yesterday. *sigh. At any rate, it was a nice weekend and I'm happy for the short week. I ended up going to the auto show on Sunday and thought it was very cool. I know very little about cars but a.) would like to know more and b.) now believe in love at first sight. Behold my future baby:

I nearly salivated all over this 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet's "speed yellow" paint job at the show and think I might be dreaming about it for a while. It's only around $100,000 (an investment, I say!) and when you really start thinking about it, it's almost a better investment than my education. At least I'd feel good every day driving this investment as opposed to the often long, exhausting, and frustrating days of seeing patients and striving for that enigmatic and intangible "helping people" thing. *sigh. Maybe someday.

I guess it's time to call it a night. An by "call it night" I mean that I'll probably pre-pack some lunch snacks for tomorrow, get my backpack organized, take my time with the bedtime routine, and read until I'm sleepy. All of a sudden, I love dental school! :)

p.s. ~ in lieu of a winter "sport," I've joined the graduate student Wednesday night bowling league. Although my Dad is equally as nervous I'll break a finger bowling (?) as he was when I played flag football (thereby possibly ruining my career), I bowled with nothing but gusto at last week's warm-up round. Let's just say I bowled about, oh, 7 strikes. This week's for keeps, homeys.


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