Sunday, February 04, 2007

Which do you want first?

Bad news
Today was the coldest day of the winter so far (the wind chill reached minus 18!). Shifting gears in my car this morning was like lifting weights and my nose hairs froze when I walked outside almost instantly. The next two days are supposed to get even colder...if that's possible. Brrr!

Good news
Everyone's favorite groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, did not see his shadow this past Friday thus predicting an early spring (only the 15th time in the past 112 predictions)! Sure, I think that yanking this poor creature out of a human-made stump and frightening him half to death in front of thousands of people at 7 am is a little exploitative. That's actually why I turned down the opportunity to see a real, live groundhog at the Ann Arbor District Library on Groundhog's Day and to join the Ann Arbor Chapter of the Punxsutawney Phil fanclub. Well, that and because I had class.

Bad news
I have two finals and a practical this week in addition to wrapping up my poster for Research Day. I'm not feeling so great about the practical and I opted to watch the Superbowl and eat junk food instead of starting studying for Biomaterials.

Good news
This week at bowling we face off against Dragonforce, a team of four of our buddies that should make for a fun match-up. There's been a whole lotta trash talkin' this past week so I'm getting pumped for Wednesday night. Also, I bowled a 132 last week, beating my previous personal best by one pin. I'm going for 140 this week...I just have to pace myself on the pitcher of cheap beer!

Bad news
I'm suddenly realizing that I don't really get a summer vacation any more. Sure, I have four weeks off scattered throughout the months of May, June, July, and August. But had I known that last summer was it, I would've worked less and pooled more.

Good news
It's gonna be a Harry Potter summer this year! Not only does the fifth Harry Potter movie (Order of the Phoenix) come out July 13th, the release date for the seventh and final book in the series (Deathly Hallows) was announced as being a week later on July 21st! Honestly, I'm so excited I literally squeal when I watch the movie trailer. I'm definitely going to one of the midnight book release parties and am serious about dressing up this year. I'm thinking Rita Skeeter. Any thoughts?

Bad news
Eating carb-smart when you're a vegetarian is hard. It's already taken an enormous amount of will power on my part to eat (and maybe enjoy...a little) whole wheat bread for my sandwiches but whole wheat tortillas?! Honestly, what do you expect from me, people?

Good news
I happened to stumble across a glorious vegan mock tuna salad sold by-the-pound in the deli case of Whole Foods last weekend. Many of you already know about my unusual and insatiable craving for tuna salad since becoming vegetarian and I must say that I got my fix. I had at least 5 "tuna salad" sandwiches this past week and plan on going back for more. I don't know how those miracle workers at Whole Foods made garbanzo beans and vegan mayo taste like tuna but rock on, Whole Foods chefs, rock on.

Mmmm, now I'm hungry. A tuna salad sandwich would be the perfect pre-bedtime snack but alas, I'm all out. Perhaps a banana will suffice. Have a great week!



Blogger TKP said...

1. I swear I didn't rip off your blog format. I just posted and then read yours. Hey, I made it up anyway!

2. I am salivating at the mere thought of those "Tuna" sandwiches.

3. Dude, you know that Groundhog day is a hoax, right? Sonya, "6 more weeks of winter" is the same thing as "6 weeks until spring." Did Bill Murray teach you nothing?

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There goes my only chance of changing you to a fish eating vegeterian. For the love of Tuna I was almost sure you will start eating real ones. Just kidding, happy for your veg Tuna.

10:39 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I heart Harry Potter!
But the horrible thing is, I am planning a trip to BANGLADESH that will begin around the time that book 7 comes out. I'll have to wait an extra 8 weeks to read it and risk having a spoiler ruin it for me. Maybe I can plan my trip around the release date. Or maybe I should forget the Ph.D. and just read Harry Potter.

4:22 PM  

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