Friday, December 05, 2003

Whew! The bar last night was a trip. We headed out early to Scorekeepers to celebrate Josh's birthday and I think everyone had a great time. It was really fun to hang out with a big group and honestly, who can complain about $1 Long Islands? The only downer of the night was that someone left with both AJ's and her friend Solomon's jackets...sure it could have been a mistake, but we feel much more justified in our anger if we assume that someone intentionally and maliciously stole them. Rar.

So...I think Josh had a nice birthday. Carrie made her famous applesauce cake for him and we popped a few bottles of champagne to celebrate his 22-ness before we went out. For my present, I got Josh a ChiaPet Herb Garden (it's a long story - the bottom line is that he killed his old herb garden, so this one should be much easier to manage) and tickets for the two of us to the January 11th Pistons game vs. Dallas. We're both really excited to see the Mavs play, so I think he was happy with that.

Also, my exam went okay last night - it's always hard to tell with anything physics-related, though. Who knows, really. I'm glad it's over and I studied pretty hard for it, so hopefully my grade will be reflective of that. On a related note, today marks the beginning of studying-for-finals hell, so I'm trying to brace myself. I have to head out tonight and get some Diet Coke and studying snacks (and some dinner stuff, too) from Meijer to get ready for the long haul. December 16th can't come soon enough!

Finally, one of my best buddies Carrie will be studying in South Africa next semester from February until June (or something crazy like that), and I think the reality of her being gone is finally starting to set it. I'm sooooo excited for her and truly believe that it will be an amazing life opportunity, I just know it'll be a little hard to not be able to talk to her every least we can all be thankful for email...and digital cameras. We've really got to push friend marathon these last few weeks so we all see each other a lot. I'm gonna miss you, Harrie!

Okay...I'm gonna go run and grab some sushi with Josh and his sister Jamie, then it's on to work work work. Take care.


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