Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Hmmmm....I'm starting to notice a theme. I always seem to have an overwhelming desire to post when I'm sitting here in the Grad and staring at a sheet with equations for moment of inertia and error analysis on it. Yeah, I'm sick of physics.

I'm studying for my lab final, which is tomorrow. It should be okay, but we'll see how I'm feeling after I go to the review session at 7. If I can just push it until tomorrow at 6, I'll be golden. Then, we'll do a little celebrating for Josh's 22nd birthday...hooray for deuce deuce! This weekend will be pretty packed, but I'm really looking forward to classes ending. I think this feels like the longest semester in my college career so far, it's weird. As far as the last day of classes goes, there's a little party in the Union with a bunch of games and prizes (generally, dorky things that I like to do), so let me know if you're up for a short break from studying next Wednesday night.

In other news, I'm currently working on getting a research assistantship in the dental school and am talking to some people, so cross your fingers for me! Working in the dental school next semester could be extremely advantageous right now as I'll start my apps in May, not to mention the cash-money couldn't hurt, either. Maybe I'll take my pals out to dinner ;)

Okay, it's that time in my post where I start feeling guilty about putting off my work (and self-conscious that some graduate or PhD student is looking over my shoulder at the "Blogger" screen on my computer and scoffing at my immaturity...hehe). Have a good night!


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