Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Well, nothing new on the homefront besides the fact that I've been seriously slacking this week on my running. I've successfully used my big fall on Saturday morning and subsequent scraped knee as justification for not over-exerting myself since then, but now I'm starting to feel a little cruddy about it. I'll go tomorrow and Friday morning. Also, I've been so sleepy for some reason these past few days and I can't seem to shake it. My eyes are heavy and my contacts burning by about 6 pm without fail, so maybe I'm due in for a glasses day tomorrow. Other than that, not much else is new. I'm hoping for good weather this weekend in Minnesota for the wedding since my pals are driving out there and since I'll be wearing a sleeveless top and open-toed shoes. Hmmm...interesting how I can be concerned with both safety and fashion in the same thought.

I've been pretty productive with my studying at work today since I did a lot of bloodwork earlier and not too many additional samples have come in since early afternoon. I reinstated my use of Kaplan's lab materials, which set me back 200 bones, but having countless practice exams and section quizzes will certainly help me. Although the class was useful last winter, I definitely did not take advantage of the lab stuff and I have the time to do so now. Well, sort of.

Okey dokey. Have a great night and cheer for the Pistons during game 3 tonight. Due to studying, I think I'm going to skip the game, but of course we're winning tonight because I guaranteed we'd take it in six. You can print that on the front page, the back page, or the middle page, Pistons fans. *wink*


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