Monday, August 09, 2004

Do you zoo?

Well, this past weekend marked my first weekend in Ann Arbor without studying involved since as far back as I can remember. I think I did a pretty good job of sticking to my self-imposed, fun-only stipulation for the weekend.

Thursday night AJ, David (back from London!), Josh, and I went out to Scorekeeper's with a few other people. It was fun to go to Skeeps again since it's been such a long time since I've been out. Even though it wasn't too crazy of a night, we got to hear a little about David's trip abroad and AJ's camp couselor experiences from this summer. Friday evening Josh picked me up from work and since I was craving some delicious vegetarian lettuce wraps, we drove to Novi to have dinner at P.F. Chang's. If you haven't been there, go tonight and get the veggie lettuce wraps. Mmmm.

Saturday morning I ran a few errands and Josh and I headed to the Toledo Zoo. For my birthday last fall, my sister gave me the best gift ever of a year-long membership to Toledo Zoo. She figured that I wouldn't want to go alone and made Josh a member, too. I guess that works best considering that Josh is the only one of my friends that doesn't make fun of me for crying because of how much I love animals (I'm not kidding). Anyways, we couldn't have asked for more perfect weather and all of the animals were so fun and active. The hippopotami put on a show! And fortunately, my favorite flightless birds (yay for penguins!) weren't just standing around staring at the cave wall this time. Here are some Zoo pictures:

This poor wallaby looked so down-trodden, I had to restrain myself from snatching him up and putting him in my bag. All he needs is a good home!

Gorilla mama nursing her baby. *tear

All dressed up and no where to go

Two more zoo animals

After a full day of walking in the sun, we were pooped. We ate dinner and rented Master and Commander, which was good. I was basically in a bad mood all day Sunday because my bleach spilled in my laundry basket en route to the laundromat. 2 brand new shirts that I haven't even worn yet, my 2 favorite, irreplaceable pairs of pants, and my entire sheet set got bleached hardcore. I was thisclose to crying - instead, I got angry and bought new sheets. Rar. The situation was somewhat redeemed in that I found a $5 bill in one of my loads and got to bask in the sun a little while my clothes dried. I guess I should just take my mom's advice: "Don't cry over spilled bleach." Hehe.

As you can see, this weekend was jam-packed with fun and Josh and I got to spend a lot of non-studying time together for a change. It was tough to come back to the real world and hence work today. Oh well - these next few weeks should be busy and exciting. I'm planning on having my AADSAS (universal, primary dental school application) finished by Wednesday and out of my hands, the next big hump in the application process. My coworker Tim, who has been teaching me basically everything, left last Friday. I'm now officially on my own...yikes! Hopefully all of my experiments go smoothly during these next few transition weeks. Thursday evening I have a dinner date with Tony and the plans for this weekend are up in the air. A week from this coming Saturday marks the end of my current lease. I'll be packing and moving a lot in the days to come - to where, I'm not quite sure at this point - but start phasing out the 607 Hill, apt. 3 address from your planners, memory, or what have you. Also, I finally got a chance to talk with Carrie in person this weekend (gasp!) instead of to her voicemail and we're eyeing Labor Day weekend as a possibility for our trip to the Big Apple to see Shadi. Of course I haven't checked with Shads yet, but I'll keep you posted on any developments.

Whew! I guess that's it for now. That might be the longest post in the history of my weblog - enjoy!



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