Monday, July 26, 2004


I'm back from my mini vacation and I apologize for keeping you on edge with regards to how my test went. I ended up doing very well and am pleased with my results. I really think I'm a competitive applicant and am feeling much more confident now about my application than I was before. I can't even explain how good it feels to be done - even though it hasn't completely set in yet and I still have the entire application process to go through, I feel so relieved and relaxed! :D

After my test yesterday, I headed to GR to be with my family. I used the two hour drive to rock out to ABBA, unwind a little, and catch up on phone calls to some of my friends. Unsurprisingly, I couldn't get around to calling everyone, so I'll be working on that in the weeks to come. I was only home for one night, but it was a nice opportunity to relax. First and foremost, my parents bombarded me with questions about my test and my forthcoming application process - it was nice that they were so inquisitive and involved. We headed out for a hibachi dinner Saturday night and I basically chit-chatted, sunbathed, and ate away the rest of the weekend. I'll be back in GR on Wednesday night for the rest of the week for a memorial service for my grandmother on Thursday and my friend Sara's wedding on Saturday. It's so nice to be able to have a little fun :)

Finally, though I'm forcing myself to relax a little, the big task for this week is to help Josh move out of his apartment and find some place to live until September 1. In Ann Arbor, off-campus housing has about a 2 week overlap every August when you have to be out of your apartment but can't quite move into your new one, which naturally presents a HUGE problem if you work in Ann Arbor. Unfortunately, Josh's landlady decided that she wanted the entire month of August to clean the apartment, so he's sans casa this Friday...hopefully we can figure something out. I'm really going to miss that place; he's been living there for 2 years now and it's so cozy. Also, I have to start making plans for my own move out on August 20th since I can't move in to my new place until September 1, either. *sigh* One worry at a time. In the words of my Dad: we'll cross that bridge when we're standing on it.

Have a great week.



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