Tuesday, July 20, 2004

On the homestretch

First, thank you everyone for your thoughtful condolences for my family and myself - they are much appreciated and I feel so lucky to have such kind and supportive friends.
I've decided to go home to be with my family this weekend in lieu of celebrating my post-DAT freedom in Ann Arbor.  It will be nice to be home since I haven't been in almost 3 months (the longest I've ever been away from home!) and I think my presence will be emotionally supportive.  However, I do declare an open invitation for you to come to Ann Arbor anytime to celebrate with me.  I can't remember the last time I saw any of my friends :( 

Speaking of friends, mine are the best.  I came home to my apartment Saturday after a long day at Kaplan and found not one, but two packages addressed to me sitting on my doorstep.  One was from Emily and the other was from my sister.  Emily's package contained a 10-pack of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (my favorite!) and an adorable card of encouragement.  My sister's package contained a fun magnet and a handmade garland of interconnected molars spelling out GOOD LUCK.  Hooray for a well-timed pick-me-up!  It was so sweet and encouraging to receive those packages and I truly couldn't ask for more supportive people in my life.  Thanks Tanya & Emily...you made my day! :D
I guess that's about it.  This week and this summer are flying by - I can't believe it will be August in less than 2 weeks.  *sigh*  I guess time really does move faster as you get older...and I'm only pushing 22!  I'll leave you with a quote from my quirky coworker Tim who always makes me laugh:
Tim:  So I see you still haven't signed up for the Tissue Core Fantasy Football league. 
Me:  I know.  I told you, I don't follow pro football.
Tim:  C'mon.  At the very least, it will help improve your trash-talking skills.
Me:  Oh, okay.
Tim:  Well?  How are you going to be a dentist without trash-talking skills? 
Have a good night. 


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