Sunday, July 04, 2004

Independence Schmendependence's officially crunch time. My test is less than 2 weeks away and every (and I mean every) spare second is now devoted to studying (which should be obvious by the fact that I'm posting in my weblog). Let's just say that my notecards even accompany me into the bathroom these days.

For this reason, my extended Fourth of July weekend was little more than 72 hours of study mania - not the greatest way to spend a beautiful summer holiday. In fact, Josh and I decided that this year was "The Worst Fourth of July Ever" because although we tried to take a mini-break from studying and see fireworks at Kensington Park, all we really saw was the sky changing colors from behind a ridiculously large group of trees. When we tried to bypass the obstruction, we just got lost in the pitch black woods and turned back around. We did catch the "grand finale", however, which was basically a whole lot more of nothing. I guess we've just been spoiled all these years by the downtown, over-the-river, car-alarm-activating, feel-it-in-your-chest fireworks show of Grand Rapids, which is apparently well-known on this side of the state. A lot of people from Ann Arbor drive to GR just to see our fireworks. Who knew? Anyways, the 4th kind of stunk for me this year. To put it in Josh's words: "we would have seen better fireworks if we had just put some tin foil in the microwave."

That's about it for now. I can't wait until my test is over and I can focus on getting back in shape and laying out on the beach....I mean, applying to dental schools :) You probably won't be hearing from me much over the next 2 weeks, so be sure to drop me a line to let me know what's going on in your life and to give me a little encouragement.

Have a fantastic (short!) week! :D



Blogger TKP said...

Awww....poor schlooten. I hope that you rip that DAT a new one. Then it's easy sailing from there. Go get 'em, tiger!

1:47 PM  

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