Thursday, June 24, 2004

A migraine was starting about an hour ago. Luckily, my good friend Excedrin Migraine and I made a pre-emptive strike and now I'm about 85% headache free!'s time for a random, stream-of-consciousness post! Drumroll please...

I've always found something very charming about Thursdays - one day left in the week that barely counts, Thirsty Thursday, Friend Marathon, $1 Long Islands at Scorekeepers, Must See TV, and plenty more. What a great day.

What's the best workout song ever, you ask? Well, I'd have to say "Won't Get Fooled Again" by The Who. It's been my #1 cardio song since frosh year and sometimes I take a few extra laps just to finish it out. Educate yourself in the school of classic rock and listen to it right now.

Did I mention that Carolyn will be returning to the States from South Africa next week? Yay! I've neither seen her nor heard her voice in 5'll be so nice to have her back. (I swear I am the only one who uses the neither,nor construction. Not unlikely.) Hopefully we can start planning our roadtrip to the Big Apple to visit the Shadster. On second thought, maybe we'll just fly :)

I'm making a conscious effort to smile at everyone I see these days. I like when I get smiled at, so I figure I should do the same. As a direct result, the guys working the desk at the CCRB wave and say good morning specifically to me everyday and the mailman I see walking to the bus stop every day (see post from June 17th) talks to me :D

I'm hoping to go see Fahrenheit 9/11 at some point this weekend, even though I've banned myself from fun in any form until after July 17th. However, I'm willing to turn the other cheek on this one because I consider it my duty as an eligible voter to be informed. And I really don't like Bush. And I love movie theater popcorn.

Okay, enough procrastination. By the way, the word procrastination comes from the Latin words pro and cras meaning "for" and "tomorrow" respectively. See...Latin isn't a dead language!



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