Thursday, June 03, 2004

Howdy. Things have been pretty rocky lately at work so I've been feeling kind of down. Luckily, I have a great support system consisting of my parents, my roommates, my sister, and Josh to offer me a listening ear and sage words of advice. It helps to know that someone is on my side :)

My parents came through Ann Arbor last night to do a little car switch and took Josh and I out to dinner at Madras Masala. I'm really glad I got a chance to see them - Josh and I both had bad days at work and my parents helped to listen and make me laugh a little bit, not to mention we had some fantastic South Indian food and I even had left overs for lunch today. Sweet! Also, tomorrow's the big day...Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! I can't wait. I was tempted to catch the midnight show tonight, but Josh has to work at 8 tomorrow morning and I don't want to have to be squashed between a bunch of scaredy-cat rugrats up waaaay past their bedtimes. I think we'll go out for a later show tomorrow night after I get out of work and probably after a late dinner - I'm thinking something around 10-ish. I'm geeked! (I guess in more ways than one).

I don't have much else to say besides the fact that I'm having so much trouble *still* getting into this schedule. I want to wake up around 7:45 so I can go work out in the mornings, it's just that I can't seem to get to bed before 1 am no matter how hard I try! As lame as it is, I have to shoot for bedtime around 11:30 or 12 because when I go to bed any later, it's so hard to get up. Yikes! I wish I was back in college where some days were sleep-in days, some classes were sleep-in classes, and the work week ended on Friday. *sigh* Have a good evening.



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