Thursday, June 17, 2004

First things first:

Go Pistons!

Wow - I am damn proud of my guys. What a tremendous and unexpected win. Well...not unexpected on my behalf, of course...I've been saying Pistons all the way this whole season; but for all you non-believers out there...Bad is back! Not only am I elated that we are the 2004 NBA Champs, but now I can actually get some work done without having to pry my eyes off of the TV every other night. Don't get me wrong - I would have loved to seen a game 7 in this series, but a part of me is happy that it's over in 5 :)

Other than that, no big news. I'm frantically trying to find a place to live with Julia (AJ's best friend) who will be coming to U of M's School of Public Health this fall. I'm running around viewing apartments in the morning, making a mad dash to work, working until 8, then studying. Yikes! Luckily, my adorable parents have sensed my stress as being off-the-charts and have offered to come up and "help do some of the legwork" (direct quote) meaning they'll look around at apartments for me and "compile the information and put it in a spreadsheet" (another direct quote). They've even offered to do my laundry for me this weekend. So cute. At least I can relax a little knowing that help, whether it be washing my clothes or just being supportive, is always there :)

Quick other good news and then I have to run to my sushi date: I *finally* got my pink mini iPod! Yay! I've been waiting 6 weeks (to the day!) and it's been well worth it. Now I can take my entire music collection with me on the bus, to the gym, anywhere! I love you, pink mini iPod! :)

Finally, on a Pistons-related note, here's a cute exchange I had yesterday:

Me (to mailman wearing a Pistons t-shirt): Hey, go Pistons!
Mailman: Mmmm, you got it, Mama!

Have a great night!



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