Monday, June 14, 2004

I haven't felt much like posting lately. Perhaps that's because writing about my daily activities forces me to acknowledge how monotonous my life is right now - run, work, study. Run, work, study. (although sometimes I leave out the *run* part). I'll be glad once the DAT is over and my "free" time is actually free time.

Aaaanyways...this weekend I tried to balance my studying with a little bit of play so that I'm not completely burnt out by the time my test rolls around on July 17th. Friday night we all went out to Rick's to mourn AJ's moving out of the apartment/celebrate a great year together. I haven't been out out in a while and we all had a good time. Even though there were probably less than 20 people when we got to the bar around 11:30, it definitely picked up by the end of the night. I'll post some pics later tonight.

Saturday before studying Josh and I stuffed ourselves at the lunch buffet at Madras Masala. Mmmmm. I have been wanting Indian food every day lately. (Yay! My mom is sending some food up for me this week!) After a BIG lunch, I just studied all day. Late Saturday night Josh and I watched Seven on TV with Sheila. I love that movie but I'm not even going to pretend like it doesn't give me nightmares :-/

Finally, all I did yesterday was study. I got a good chunk of Orgo done and allowed myself to watch the fourth quarter of the Pistons game because I studied for most of the first 3. I can't believe we're one game short of the championship. Sweet. Go Pistons.

Not much else is new. Like I mentioned earlier, I changed my DAT date from 7/12 (Monday) to 7/17 (Saturday) so that I won't have to take a day off of work and also so that I can celebrate after my exam... *wink* Also, I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out my living situation for next year (read: two months from now...yikes!), so drop me a line if you're interested in being my roomie in A-squared. *sigh* I've got a lot of loose ends stressing me out right now - it will sure be nice to tie most of them up in the next month or so.

Have a nice evening :)



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