Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Cheesy, but not too cheesy

Oy.  I'm sitting here working on my personal statement...and by "working on" I mean struggling with the ambiguity of the unhelpful guidelines given to me.  I have the entire statement written and am now I'm just trying to polish my language a little, but this is a lot harder than I thought it would be.  Every personal statement tutorial instructs you to be anecdotal, but not cheesy; fun, but not flippant; serious, but to avoid telling the committee how to do their job; interesting, but not scattered.  Aargh.  I'm arguably more confused now having read this "advice".  

Also, my personal voice is very strong in my writing and I just don't know how much is too much.  Am I allowed to be humorous?  Of course I won't be writing that two guys walk into a bar and the third one ducks, but is it okay to elicit a chuckle or at least try to?

Ouch.  I'm getting a headache. 



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