Monday, October 25, 2004

This weekend was equally fun and exhausting. The Halloween party was a success (I think!) and I hope that everyone had a good time. Josh and I decorated the apartment so as to achieve maximum spookiness and I think the goodies that I made were cute and fun. I was happy to see that everyone at least put effort into their costumes and seemed to have fun dressing up - heck, I can't believe someone (besides myself) actually proposed that we go to the Brown Jug around keep the party going! It must have been pretty funny to see a hodge podge of costumed college and grad school kids walking down South U a week shy of Halloween. I'll definitely post my pictures tomorrow.

Now that the party is over, it's time to get serious about my secondary applications. I plan on devoting any and all free time this week to essay-a-writin' and biographical information-a-fillin'. I'm hoping to have all of them completed and mailed out by this Friday so that I can enjoy my weekend fully. I'm not quite sure what my plans are for Halloween weekend - I'm flirting with the idea of going home so that I can pass out candy to the kiddies, but I'd also like to go out around Ann Arbor. We'll see; I'll let you know the plan post-hump this week.

In other news, I've somehow managed to drop my cell phone enough times and at such high speeds that I have completed disintegrated the LCD screen. The phone itself still works, but I just can't see who, if anybody, I'm calling. As far as outgoing calls, I'm probably only going to be able to dial Josh and my parents because I know where they are located on my speed dial (3 and 5, respectively). Oy. I don't know if I can afford to spring for a new phone right now, but I might not have any other choice. Technology stinks.

The plan tonight is to make a warm dinner and maybe head to Starbucks for coffee and applications. Somewhere in there, I'm planning on stopping by Carrie's to drop off her birthday present since today is her birthday. Yay! Have a good night :)

Happy 22nd Birthday, Carrie!



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