Monday, October 11, 2004

Monday, Monday

I used to work with a guy named Alan Monday and it was simply irresistible to sing that Mamas and Papas favorite to him at the beginning of every week.

Anyhoo...what's new? It's Monday once again. I swear the weekend is just long enough to tease me a little and then spit me back out into the working week. *sigh* Well, at least Monday Monday is over. My weekend was pretty good - Shadi came into town from NY and although I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I would have liked, it was still fun to see her. I watched the debate on Friday night and hung out with Carrie, Libby, Mary, Shadi, Josh, and Steve afterward. Saturday I got my oil changed, walked the pups at the Humane Society, fell asleep during a great Michigan game (oops! I didn't sleep well Friday night!) and stayed the night at Mary Money's house in Royal Oak. We went out briefly in R.O. but I think it had been a long day for the girls since they had gone to the game so we called it an early night. I'll definitely have to go back and check out the scene sometime; it seemed pretty cool.

Sunday I spent waaaaaay too much time (and money!) at WalMart. I try not to shop there because I completely disagree with their corporate practices but it's also the most feasible shopping on my budget. Uggggh. I must stop shopping there because I'd rather pay a little more to a store that doesn't discriminate. In the afternoon, Josh and I went up to Burns Park and threw around the football and played a little one-on-one basketball. Of course I am ZERO competition to "White Chocolate" on the court, but it was so much fun to be a little active. We've both become more sedentary than we would like to be and it was nice to enjoy the beautiful fall weather, even though my spiral is not what it used to be. Let's just say that my pipetting and throwing arm is sore like nobody's business today. Ouch.

I guess that's it. I might try to catch Spiderman 2 at the cheap movies tonight. Okay, why am I trying to play it cool? I'm GEEKED for the movie and am actually flirting with the idea of being Spiderman for Halloween. But that's for me to know and for you to find my Halloween-y party! Details to be announced soon. Muhuwahahaha!



Blogger Emily said...

You should come to Royal Oak and hang out with me sometime! It's a cool place. :)

4:49 PM  

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