Thursday, September 30, 2004

Caution: Pessimism Ahead

Oy vey. Is this week over yet? This one has been something else, let me tell you. I've had so many little annoyances and thrown so many subsequent mini-hissyfits that I'm ready to throw in the towel on this one. From paying $9.00 for an evening movie ticket (on a Tuesday night? You have to be kidding me), to being fed up with Meijer's complete lack of a decent produce section, to stubbornly refusing to give up on my eggplant parmesan for dinner last night (an idea which only came to fruition 3 trips to Kroger, 3 eggplants, and an hour's worth of tears after it was first conceived), I am exhausted. Luckily, Josh is treating me to dinner tonight and afterward I plan on parking it on the couch at 9 to watch the presidential debate. I don't foresee any more breakdowns tonight...fingers crossed.

In other news, I realized this morning that I've already let myself fall into this monotonous and unhealthy routine during the week of work, sleep, work, sleep that I promised myself I would avoid like the plague during my year off. I've never for one second doubted my decision to work for a year and let me just say that not having homework is a truly glorious feeling. However, I certainly haven't crossed too many items off of my "Things I Want to Do During My Year Off That I Wouldn't Otherwise Have Time For" list, like reading the 100+ novels on my to-read list, or attaining fluency in Spanish (scoff all you want, mis will happen), or getting "back in shape" (it's been so long now since I've been in shape, this phrase is becoming n/a). I want to do these things not just to have the satisfaction of crossing them off of a list, but also because I'm in a unique position right now of actually having both the time and the funds (more or less) for these activities. Not to mention I'm kind of bored during the week when my friends are busy studying, I'm not a fan of TV, and I NEED to work harder on having a life outside of my job. I promise myself here's a new Sonya - in shape, positive, Spanish-speaking Sonya.

Starting this Monday.



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