Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Potato salad and veggie burgers

I don't know why, but I just love good ol' American summertime food - I'm talking potato salad, soft drinks, hot dogs and hamburgers (veggie-friendly, please!), chips, ice cream, and more. I'd like to think that I have a pretty refined palate, but I'll take a handful of Lay's and a patty topped with ketchup, mustard, lettuce, and tomato any day...and that's exactly what I got at work today at the Annual Dental School Faculty and Staff Picnic. This summer has been marked by a lack of the traditional seasonal fare for me and I definitely enjoyed the popcorn and large foil trays of food. I was kind of hoping there would be a dunk tank or at least a pie-throwing booth if you catch my drift, but it was fun nonetheless. A cookie for dessert and a brownie for later - can't beat that.

In other news, I'm smack-dab in the middle of moving out, a process that always takes a lot longer than I anticipate. I had to rent a storage locker for a month so I can store my stuff until September 1st without having to shuttle it back and forth between GR and A2. What a hassle.

At any rate, all of this moving has got me thinking: am I a materialistic, spoiled brat? Okay, don't answer that, but every time I move, I start thinking about how excessive and consumeristic our society is. Granted some of them were gifts, but I definitely felt a little guilty packing up my hot-air popcorn popper, s'mores maker, and fondue set. *sigh* I could certainly do without all of the clothes and bags that I have, and to be honest, one less pair of shoes will go unnoticed by me but could really help someone else. I'm going to make it a point to donate as much a possible to the Salvation Army and the DP clothing drive this fall.

I think that's it. I can't believe it's August 19th already - where did this summer go? I guess I'll just have to party hardy in NYC in two weeks to end the season with a bang. I can't wait to see Harrie and my hottie Shadi! :D

Have a great evening!



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