Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hump Day

*Here's a little something I wrote yesterday but didn't get a chance to post*

Holy longest-day-ever, Batman!

Today seriously seemed to drag on and on and on. That's more like the theme of this week. Oy.

Here are a few thoughts in list form again because I'm just too darn lazy to form coherent sentences:

1.) Me, Carrie, Shadi. Labor Day weekend. NYC. I'm looking into ticket prices.

2.) I am the least photogenic the world! My schnoz (yes, that is the correct spelling - I looked it up) is enormous. I feel like Gonzo, except I'm not blue and I know which species I am. At any rate, I took the ID photo for my applications today and let me tell you that the final picture was about 45% nose...and that was after I told the guy to please, please zoom out.

3.) High of 65 degrees in the middle of August? This winter ain't gonna be pretty, folks. I think I just might join my friend Erin at her new Florida pad.

4.) AJ and Sheila are both in the process of moving out of our apartment since neither of them will be around next week closer to the move-out deadline. Because our schedules are so flip-flopped, they both come early in the morning to pick up items from the apartment while I'm still sleeping. No kidding, the last three days in a row I've woken up and thought we'd been robbed. Then again, what kind of burglar would take the dry erase board?

Those are my thoughts. Take them or leave them.



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