Friday, August 13, 2004

AADSAS = done!

Ahhhh, Friday. FINALLY. This week has been so long, - if it weren't for the thought of the KitKat I bought this morning in my bag, I don't know how I would've gotten through the day.

Well, this week has certainly been a doosie. Because Tim's last day was last Friday, I'm basically on my own in the lab now and this entire week was spent trying to get my own rhythm and feel for the lab. It's weird to think that about 5 feet of lab bench is now mine for my research, but I kinda like it :) Don't get me wrong - I'm no pro yet and I definitely goofed up two separate experiments this week involving electric currents because I forgot to turn ON my power source - but I'm feeling thismuch more confident than I was on Sunday night.

In other good news, AADSAS is dizzone. I polished my personal statement, shelled out an obscene amount of money, and took a cheesy picture and I am now happy to say that phase 1 of Operation Get-Into-Dental-School is complete. What a relief - I was seriously considering aborting said operation a few months ago. Okay, not really, but this summer has been a tough one for sure. Now that I'm on this side of these hectic and stressful past few months, I have to pat myself on the back for everything that I endured this summer: a full-time job, a tougher-than-I-expected work schedule, studying for and taking the DAT, apartment hunting, my grandmother passing away, and dental school applications. Whew. I guess that's not too much considering I have the unconditional love and support of my family, Josh, and good friends, but it's been a challenge nonetheless. I'm *really* looking forward to this next year off :)

Finally, I'll be heading back to GR this weekend. I recently figured out that there are only four weekends until my sister leaves for Bangladesh and I certainly haven't been able to spend as much time with her as I would have liked to this summer. It'll be nice to hang out for a few days. Also, I'm going to try to take some of my stuff home from my apartment since I've only got about 7 days left. Blek - moving is such a pain. If you feel so inclined to come over and help me sometime next week, I'll buy the pizza.

Have a fun and restful weekend.



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