Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Wow. I can't believe I've become a serious blogger slacker yet again. Oops.

I had a nice weekend which I will tell you about even though it's already Tuesday. Friday night I just hung out at home, made myself dinner, read the newspaper, and watched Jurassic Park (during which Josh of course fell asleep and we had to end the movie early - what's the point of watching a movie I've seen a billion times alone against the backdrop of his snoring?).

Saturday morning I made blueberry muffins for breakfast and went down to the Farmer's Market in search of some fresh flowers and pumpkin donuts. All I really got was a pint of raspberries and the disappointment of realizing that the $20.00 bill I took out of the ATM on Thursday had been spent at some point. I spent the rest of the afternoon helping Josh and his housemates prepare for their "We Have a Nice Backyard So We May As Well Use It" party which was a huge success. Their backyard and porch are perfect for hosting and a grill/cook-out and impromptu bonfire sealed the deal. Also, all of Josh's roommates are graduate students which makes a world of difference at a party: instead of all Top 40 hits, the music list included such favorites as "Almost Cut My Hair" and "Love In An Elevator"; I actually saw (on more than one occasion) party guests offering to help clean up, grill, or even defray the cost of food and drinks. Huh? People actually brought their own food, too - (in addition to standard cook-out fare provided by Josh and his roomies!) and I'm not just talking some pretzels and a mixed drink in a pop bottle, but some marinated chicken, tempeh, pasta salad, asparagus, and even an excessively large catfish filet for the grill. Crazy. Perhaps being witness to all of this extra courtesy and considerateness means that I've now graduated from parties - and a phase of life - offering up little more than Natty Light and whatever you can find to munch on in some stranger's cupboards. Who knows?

Sunday was pretty busy and started with my first day of volunteering at the Huron Valley Humane Society. I am now an official Dog Walker! :) Even though my only dog walking experience has been following around our 9 pound turd of a pet at home (I say this affectionately, Mom!), I think I'll eventually get used to being dragged around by 40-90 pound dogs. At any rate, those pups are so happy to just get out of their cramped cages for 10 minutes that they don't care if it's a fancy walk or just standing in the sunshine. This should be a fun experience. I also did my laundry, grocery shopping, and wardrobe switch to winter attire on Sunday. I won't lie that it wasn't heartbreaking to fold and put away dozens of cute dresses and skirts that didn't even see the outside of my closet this summer, but here's hoping I'm vacationing somewhere exciting next summer.

That's about it. Veep debate tonight at 9 and early to bed. *yawn* Have a good one.


p.s. - Did I forget to mention that Shadi the Hottie is coming into A-squared this weekend? I must've done something right to get to see her twice in 5 weeks. I should have some fun stories and pictures about our shenanigans next week. Yay!


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