Thursday, December 16, 2004

Holiday Hustle

Well, I have a quick minute and thought I'd post. Things sure have been hectic lately and I'm frantically trying to get my affairs in order before I leave for my trip. Geez, that statement sounds so funny after I write it considering I'm only leaving for 16 days, not dying, but I still have a lot to take care of. Holiday shopping, bill paying, packing, working...whew! Oddly, it hasn't really set in yet that my trip to India is indeed a vacation since it's taking so much work to prepare, but I'm starting to imagine myself having no obligations for 2 weeks, drinking lots of tea, and maybe (gasp!) reading a little. Ahhh. I can't wait to see my mom and sister :)

Okay, I thought I had more time to post, but I must jet. I'll drop a note a little later.



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