Thursday, June 09, 2005

It is hotter than Hades here in Ann Arbor and I can't take it much longer. Far be it from me to complain about warm weather (I do so about cold Michigan weather for 10 months out of the year) and my sister was quick to remind me that the average daily temperature right now in Bangladesh is well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It's just that my fan ain't cutting it, the air conditioning is too expensive to run constantly, and I have to wear lab-appropriate things all day long (i.e.~ no sandals, shorts, tank/sleeveless tops, or anything else that would contribute to my comfort on 90 degree days). Not to mention my weird and sudden sleep deprivation issue has quickly become severe. My body literally shut down today at work and I feel asleep briefly three separate times while sitting down. The heat probably isn't helping either. Boy, a lemonade sure sounds good right now.

Anyways, just thought I'd check in. TGIF tomorrow. In my opinion, the weekend and these rainstorms can't come soon enough.



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