Saturday, April 01, 2006

And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson...

Thank God for Netflix. I can't even express how much I love this service. Last night, after a tough Friday and years of vowing to pick it up the "next time we rent a movie," Josh and I finally watched The Graduate courtesy of Netflix. It was brilliant and hilarious and poignant. I'm so glad that we can have both new releases and iconic American classics delivered right to our door. Next up on the list (or "queue" as Netflix call it): Brokeback Mountain, Capote, and a documentary entitled For All Mankind about the race to get to the moon and the Apollo 11 mission (I'll just say it for you: nerd alert!).

At any rate, not much else is new. Tonight Kristin is hosting a D1 girls' night at her place while Sean hosts a D1 guys' night at his place to watch the Final Four games. It seems kind of funny to have a gender-segregated Saturday night and we're half-expecting Kristin's house to either get prank called or toilet papered. I'm taking homemade bruschetta to Kristin's and whipped up a batch of brownies for Josh to present to the sports fans. I figured that at an all-guy party there would probably be 30 bags of chips and not much else--I hope a dessert will be well-appreciated. It should be a good time and I'm looking forward to a night of relaxin' with my wonderful classmates.

Speaking of Mrs. Robinson, I got my hair cut this morning. I was casually chatting with my stylist (we were commisurating about how icy Ann Arbor roads get in the winter) when she mentioned that this past winter was her first time commuting to work as she had just graduated high school. Whoa, rewind sista. High school? I panicked initially, thinking: "I'm letting an 18 year old cut my hair?!" but then I realized that my patients will probably be thinking: "I'm letting a 24 year old fill my cavity?!" She did a nice job and I laughed to myself after I realized that it was less alarming that a teenager was cutting my hair than the fact that I'm almost 6 years older than her. Yikes! When did I get this close to my mid-20's? I have knee problems and am lactose intolerant; should I just start shopping for holiday-themed sweaters and turtlenecks now? Is that a gray hair I see?

*sigh* I guess I've still got plenty of time left to be young and carefree. I'll just keep telling myself that as I'm working on my sewing projects this summer and shopping at the Farmer's Market ;)



Blogger Katie said...

Welcome to my world. I'm 29 going on 80. Just ask Tanya - she calls me "senior citizen" because I go to bed at 8:30.

When do we get a discount at McDonalds?

10:33 PM  

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