Monday, April 03, 2006

-- calm before the storm --

I don't have anything important or even interesting to write right now. I'm just feeling kind of blue for some reason and thought blogging might help. This week is basically the calm before the finals storm. It should be one of those weeks where you could easily get away with not doing much at all but would regret it severely by Saturday. Hmmm...maybe I should start busting some tail now that I'm thinking about it.

I went to see the Michigan Pops spring concert last night as a little study break. I've gone to almost every Pops concert in the past 5 years because my buddy Carrie was a cellist for the group while she was in college. They celebrated their 10 year anniversary this spring and played some of their favorite pieces from the past decade, many of which I watched Carrie perform originally. I miss that zany girl. At any rate, every time I go to a symphonic concert I'm reminded of my own 7 years' worth of training on the violin and yearn to be an orch dork again. I'm giving some thought to trying to pick it up again after dental school. That and becoming fully fluent in Spanish. *sigh* Hopefully this old dog can learn some new tricks.

I'm going to try to hit the hay at a reasonable time tonight. Last night I tried to go to bed before 1:30 but I had to grab a snack and The History Channel happened to be doing a special on the filming of the 4 Harry Potter films. Needless to say, I started the week off with a sleep defecit. I definitely nodded off in IMS lecture at least three times today but who can blame me? We talked about alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers for 4 hours today. Ugh. Pharmacology is bo-ring.



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