Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Howdy howdy. I'm sitting here in the Ugli (Undergrad Library, for any non-UM folks) just now starting my CAP homework (online physics problem set) that's due every week on Thursday at midnight...I swear, it's become later and later every week that I start this blasted homework. Oh well...at least it's the only big thing I have to do this week, so I'm not feeling too stressed right now. Last night, all I did was putz around at Angell Hall instead of reading my physics and talk to my sister for a while on the phone. I also got to talk with two of my close friends from high school last night, Erin and Christin, both of whom I haven't spoken with in a long time. Sheesh...I've forgotten how funny my EK friends are and I'm starting to miss them a lot. I can't wait to see them at Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, or even before then?

So yeah, like I said before, this week is pretty laid back...for a HUGE change. All I have to do is finish my CAP, do some reading, and sail on into a fun weekend starting Thursday night with some special me-and-Shadi time. This weekend, I'm hoping to see the production of Merchant of Venice that's going on, but also Carrie's Symphony Pops concert on Monday (the theme is "Pops in Space..." I'm so geeked!), have dinner with AJ and David at Madras Masala, and also celebrate Sheila's legality on Saturday at midnight. Hooray for turning 21! So, that's the plan...somewhere in there I should definitely grocery shop and do my laundry...I wasn't going to say anything, but I'm totally rocking the tie-dyed last-resort underwear set this week...yikes!

Well, I should probably do more CAP. 3 down, 15 to go. Oy vey. Have a good night!

p.s. ~ I definitely think that Nickelodeon should strongly consider releasing DVD sets of both "Salute Your Shorts" and "Clarissa Explains It All." These two shows were both of such quality that they simply could not be appreciated for their artistic integrity by their target audience of 9-13 year olds. If they were released now, I would buy BOTH of them, even though I don't have a DVD player. Just a thought.


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