Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Oh boy. Wasted waaaaay too much time already tonight. I finished my physics reading, but am just now starting the book of which I was supposed "to read as much as humanly possible" tonight because I have the feeling I'll get a quiz over it in discussion tomorrow. Not to mention I'm supposed to write a reaction paper for tomorrow, albeit short, about something that struck me about the novel. *yikes!* I have to concentrate now...it's so hard with thoughts of Mexico creeping in to my head every few seconds. Not to mention that after tomorrow, the rest of my week kind of slows way down, so I guess I'm trying to start relaxing a little too early.

Anyhow, not much else is new. I went to the dollar store today and convinced myself that I needed new pocket tissues and gallon-sized freezer bags. What can I say? Also, Sheila's car got stuck right in the middle of our bootleg parking lot in a big, bad way this afternoon because there's this huge pothole that PMSI refuses to fix, covered with about 3-inch thick ice. I tried to help her push it out and even tried stuffing cereal boxes from the recycling bin under her tires for added traction, but it was futile. Finally, the maintenance guy had to come, and in typical PMSI fashion, he nonchalantly mentioned that someone else this morning had actually gotten stuck, too. Hello?! Maybe it's time to fix it! Seriously, in the words of my dad referring to my landlady, they're just a bunch of nincompoops over there.

Okay, well...I should probably peace out. I left my glasses at home on accident this weekend and have had to wear my contacts 24/7 so far this week. Hopefully my aching eyes won't adversely affect my marthon-o-reading tonight. See ya later, alligators.


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